Studio Channel Islands Art Center
Studio Channel Islands is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing together artists and community for extraordinary artistic encounters that enrich, educate, and entertain.
Studio Channel Islands (SCIART) is located within a former Elementary School and includes two art galleries, 40 artists studios, an outdoor exhibition and event spaces. Our ongoing programs include:
Free Admission to the Art Galleries
Open Studios on the First Saturday of Every Month
Children and Adult Art Education classes
School Tours Program
Special Events & Festivals
Memory Café & Stroke Survivor Groups
SCIART believes in the transforming power of the arts; our outreach programs include Memory Cafe in the Gallery and Stroke Survivor Art workshops in the community. Our art education programs include bringing students into our gallery and artists into classrooms. We are proud to be home to inclusive group Kindling Studios.
Artist Members
View the full Artist Members directory here.