
202406aprAll Day25maySCIART Presents: SynesthesiaExploring the Sensory Symphony

Event Details

Synesthesia, a sensory symphony that unfolds within the minds of the neurodivergent, is a fascinating perceptual phenomenon that has captivated artists and scientists alike. It is a condition where the senses intertwine.  The unique blending of senses results in a symphony of colors, sights, and sensations. In the realm of art, synesthesia opens new avenues for creative expression, while in the scientific realm, it unravels the intricacies of the human brain. Artists can translate their sensory experiences into visual representations, creating artwork that not only appeals to the eyes but also stimulates other senses. The symphony of colors, sights, and sensations that synesthetes experience provides a unique and captivating lens through which they perceive the world. And we gain a deeper appreciation for the diversity and complexity of human perception.
In the context of our exhibit, though we don’t possess Synesthesia, we are exploring the power of two contrasting artists’ work intertwining into creations from the collision of their diversity. As artists sharing studio space, our work spoke to each other, producing symphony of emotions and ideas creating the power of artistic diversity. The symphony of colors, sights, and sensations that we experience provides a unique and captivating lens through which we perceive the world, and we invite our viewers to immerse themselves in a sensory journey.



April 6 (Saturday) - May 25 (Saturday)


Studio Channel Islands Art Center

2222 Ventura Blvd